FLOATER:   AKANSH WaNts yOU To BECOME HIS FRIEND JUST MAil Him AT akansh112@gmail.com  ||||  NOW disPlay YOUr nAME AND meSSAGE herE juST wriTE me AT akansh112@gmail.com ||||mere dost mujhse gila karte hai ,ki hum unse kum mila karte hai, par wo nadan itna nahi samajhte, ki sitare dur se hi roshni diya karte hai.|||| What If Munna Bhai asked circuit full form of college ???? Ans:-Circuit: Boleto bhai, C-come O-on L-love L-lets E-every G-girl E-every day Bhai!! |||| Abhishek (the most coolest boy) asking for a good friends contact him at boy.drem@gmail.com ||||WhAT ThE HELL ? OuR ChILDHooD FrNDShIP Is JUSt BRoKEn? SoLVE YoUR FRNDsHIp PRoBLEmS JUSt maIl At akansh112@gmail.com|||||MoHAk SAyS AbhIShEK BaChhAn Ko AiShWArya SE ShAdi nhI KarNi ChAiyE thI||||||CoMMeNT On ThE mOHAk sAyiNgS Just Sms ME "DoSti n YoUr CommEnt" at 9017543817||||| SomeTiME ThIs SiTE tAkE Lot oF TImE To oPen........||||||| LiKhNe ki bAjAye KuCh uPaYE BtAyA HoTa||||Do MSg ME YAar WaiTiNG 4 Ur REspONSes...
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To Achieve Your Dreams, Remember Your ABCs
IT IS NOT Humor but worth a reading.......

A-void negative sources, people, things and habits.

B-elieve in yourself.

C-onsider things from every angle.

D-on't give up and don't give in.

E-njoy life today: yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.

F-amily and Friends are hidden treasures. Seek them and enjoy their riches.

G-ive more than you planned to give.

H-ang on to your dreams.

I-gnore those who try to discourage you.

J-ust do it!

K-eep on trying, no matter how hard it seems. It will get better.

L-ove yourself first and foremost.

M-ake it happen.

N-ever lie, cheat, or steal. Always strike a fair deal.

O-pen your eyes and see things as they really are.

P-ractice makes perfect.

Q-uitters never win and winners never quit.

R-ead, study and learn about everything important in your life.

S-top procrastinating.

T-ake control of your own destiny.

U-nderstand yourself in order to better understand others.

V-isualize it.

W-ant it more than anything.

X-ccelerate your efforts.

Y-ou are unique of all of Nature's creations. Nothing can replace you.

Z-ero in on your target, and go for it!!

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